This is the personal blog of the infamous Private Hudson of Empire Online. This is his view on world cinema. Feel free to contribute.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Dr No

After getting Casino Royale through the post I decided to watch Sean Connery's debut as 007 once again.
How tough was he? Is Daniel Craig the toughest?
Watching Dr No for the first time in years was like visiting an old mucker.
Connery was and is Bond. He is by far the most ruthless Bond. I love the bit he shoots Professor Dent: "That's a Smith and Wesson. And you've hard your six."
Before plugging Dent with the PPK.
Dr No has all the elements of the Bond franchise in place.
Mind you it is like two separate films. The first half is a tradtional style thriller, then once then go to Crab Island it all becomes the Bond world we know. The fantastical Ken Adam sets just make the whole thing look so different from anything people saw in 1962.
Sean Connery, we salute you!

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